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November 24, 2004
Family CD
You could hear the tune of the old gospel song "Farther Along" coming out of the Whiskey HIll berry patch from at least a quarter-mile away. Getting closer, you might not recognize the words to the irreverent revision of the Gingerich kids as they hoed, trained, or picked the berries, often cold, hot, wet, tired, dirty or bored as they worked the Oregon truck farm in the 1960's - early 70's. The sound was an odd mixture of pathos and mirth. Mama Dorothy gently scolded the children for their impious creativity, but her inability to hide her secret enjoyment spurred them on to the composition of yet another verse.
Singing and music remained important to the family as Vernon and Dorothy hoped it would, and many more singers were added as the siblings married and had children. Nearly forty years later when Mama Dorothy was too weak to attend hymnsings with the family, they recorded the hymns so Mom could listen in the comfort of her big stuffed chair. Two years later as their mother lay dying her children gathered around her. The song playing on that first recording as our pastor coached her through those final minutes was "Steal Away."
The recording got passed around and friends began to request a sequel. The family gathered from scattered places around the country to choose songs and practice a bit. A 28 voice choir from this Mennonite family made their recording nine miles south of the berry patch on August 18, 2004, at St. Mary's Catholic Church in the quaint little town of Mt. Angel, Oregon. There were tears in many eyes as the men sang "Steal Away." May these songs touch your hearts as they have ours.
1 Praise to the Lord the Almighty
2 Heilig, Heilig, Heilig
3 Beautiful Savior
4 Adoramus Te
5 Be Still My Soul
6 Christ, We Do All Adore Thee
7 Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow
8 Wonderful Grace of Jesus
9 All Hail the Power of Jesus Name
10 Great is Thy Faithfulness
11 When Peace Like a River
12 Nearer Still Nearer
13 God Be With You Till We Meet Again
14 Softly and Tenderly
15 Dear Lord and Father of Mankind
16 In The Rifted Rock Soloist Brooks G.
17 Gracious Father
18 Soon Ah Will Be Done
19 Steal Away
20 Farther Along
21 Be Thou My Vision
22 Guide My Feet
23 My Life Flows On
24 Take Thou My Hand, O Father
25 We Shall Walk
26 Cast Thy Burden Upon the Lord
27 Shall We Gather at the River
28 Children of the Heavenly Father
29 Abide With Me
30 The Lord Bless You and Keep You
If you are interested in a CD of your own let us know. We request a ten dollar donation to a charity of your choice. We will also glady place the money in our MCC Water Projects fund for you.
Posted by jennifer at November 24, 2004 02:13 PM
Who is the little one on the road to the barn?
Posted by: GrandpaG at November 24, 2004 10:59 PM
You know I'm interested. I've been waiting, what, almost a year for this CD? :)
Posted by: J.D. at November 25, 2004 09:38 AM
We would be glad to donate to your MCC Water Projects fund! Let us know where to send it and you can send us the CD. :-)
Posted by: Frances and Lance Loberg at December 5, 2004 01:10 PM