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December 23, 2004
Giving Gifts

Each year I get a little depressed about the materialism that comes with Christmas. Still I love to give and receive gifts. I try hard to give gifts that are homemade to friends and family. This year the kids decorated and sewed little bags. We filled these with homemade chocolate covered pretzels. The kids had fun making and giving their gifts. Every time we go to a store with toys (even the grocery store has toys these days) Emma asks if she can get something. My response has been 1) We already have lots of toys 2) There are kids in this world that don't have any toys 3) Maybe you will get that toy for Christmas.
Last night Emma came home from a friend's house in awe of the presents under their tree. I hadn't yet wrapped or put any presents under our tree. I told her not to worry, there would be presents soon. She looked at me with confusion. "Who will the presents be for?" I told her for our friends and family, including my kids. Again she questioned, "I'm not your friend, presents are only for giving to our friends." I explained that she was my daughter and there would be presents from Mommy and Daddy for her too. She was delighted with this idea. Apparently she had forgotten over the last year that she would be receiving not just giving gifts. Maybe materialism hasn't taken over Christmas after all.
Posted by jennifer at December 23, 2004 10:07 AM