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December 09, 2004
Harrison's Duplo Village
I have been taking a lot of digital photos lately to keep up the weblog. Harrison has picked up on this. A few days ago he created a Lego Duplo Village with a marble track, race track, and several buildings, including a Club House complete with a No Girls Allowed sign taped to the front. He ran to find me not with the usual, "Mom, look what I made!" Instead this refrain was replaced with, "Mom, I need the digital camera." He took the picture you see below. Pretty good for a five, almost six year old. This is how the new generation will share their accomplishments.

Posted by jennifer at December 9, 2004 10:37 AM
Jeremy & Jason had a "no girls allowed" sign on their tree house.
Posted by: GrandpaG at December 9, 2004 02:09 PM
Better yet, how'd that work for you, GrandpaG?
Posted by: mac at December 10, 2004 04:18 PM