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December 11, 2004

Here we are getting ready for Emma's first performance. Do you like those turd curls Judy?

Emma and Lydia performed in the Willamette Ballet production of the Nutcracker. It was a wonderful show with lovely costumes, great staging, beautiful dancers and adorable little girls. Best of all every student from the ballet school was given the chance to participate at her level.
Posted by jennifer at December 11, 2004 10:38 PM
The turd curls are wonderful! It's great to have a new generation of Gingerich turd curls!
Posted by: JudyTurdCurls at December 12, 2004 06:14 PM
I asked Lydia what she wants to be in next years' performance. Without a moments hesitation "A snowflake".
I did not think to ask Emma. Did anyone?
Posted by: GrandpaG at December 12, 2004 09:38 PM
Emma told me she wanted to be Marie, the main character. Quite ambitious! I think she would be quite pleased to dance any part in which she would wear a tutu.
Posted by: jennifer at December 12, 2004 11:22 PM
emma told me she wanted to be the lead as well. in fact, she seemed quite perterbed with her part and the fact that she was not the lead. trying to condole her, i said that the lead character was problably quite a bit older than the said emma, to which i was told, no, marie was just a little girl. somewhere around the age of emma herself! and, i was very seriously informed, that emma could do a better job.
Posted by: nicole at December 13, 2004 06:18 PM