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January 14, 2005
Junior Baker
Emma received a junior baking set from Kris and Jd for Christmas. Here she is making her first mini apple pies. She prefers eating the raw apples covered with cinnamon sugar and the trimmings from the pie dough.

My kids, like most young children, are picky about what they eat. They both like their food to be uncombined - no casseroles, soups, or sauces! I find that my kids are more willing to try new foods when they help with the preparations. Emma did not have any of the pie that she created in the above photo. She had mint-n-chip ice cream, her favorite dessert. However, later in the week she helped me make another apple pie, and this time she ate a large slice of the finished product. It seems she likes sugary apples combined with crust.
Posted by jennifer at January 14, 2005 11:11 PM
I love your kids. And you and Jeremy, too. I'm glad to have you as friends. (So says Mr. Sappy.)
Posted by: J.D. at January 19, 2005 03:05 PM