January 29, 2005
I screwed it all up!!!
In an attempt to enable MovableType's TypeKey service I have screwed up our blog. I will have to figure out how to link our archives to the new blog :(
I was unable to integrate the previous entries into the new setup. So, if you would like to go back to some of the older entries you will need to use the "Old Archives" link on the side bar.
Posted by jeremy at 01:19 PM
TypeKey works!!!!
Posted by: jeremygingerich at January 29, 2005 01:56 PM
Cool. It really works!!
Posted by: jeremygingerich at January 29, 2005 01:58 PM
Hm. Some time, somewhere, I must have signed up for a Typekey account. I guess I can comment: POST SOMETHING NEW, YOU SLACKARDS!
Posted by: jdroth at February 4, 2005 07:19 AM