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July 16, 2005
Hubbard Hop Festival
A year ago, in our little green house in Hubbard, we hosted a hord of friends and families for the Hubbard Hop Festival. We had just made the decision to move. We had just agreed to sell our house to Janice.
This year we sat in front of our former abode. We visited with our former neighbors. I feel very good about our decision to move. I hate making decisions, and I second guess them afterwards. It is really nice to have this big decision behind us and feel great about the results.
Now if I could only come to a decision about my job...
Posted by jennifer at July 16, 2005 01:21 PM
I miss the Hop's Festival...
Did you enter the pie contest?
Posted by: Rich R at July 22, 2005 08:28 AM