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October 08, 2005
Wasp Nest
On Saturday the filberts were harvested. For those of you unfamiliar with the process there are two steps: 1) Sweep the nuts into neat rows. 2) Vacuum up the nuts.
Jeremy decided to help Tom out by blowing the stray nuts,those that rolled under our shed and play structure, out into the orchard. Half way down the row Jeremy was stung by something on the ear, but that didn't slow him down. About a half hour later, after his lips went numb and his whole face swelled up, my dad whisked him off to the Emergency room. HIs whole body was covered in hives, but his breathing was just fine. So they gave him a couple of shots and he returned to normal.
When Tom heard about the sting he mentioned that there was a huge nest half way down the first row. Sure enough that's where Jeremy had been when he felt the sting. This picture does not do the size of the nest justice. It is pretty amazing.
Posted by jennifer at October 8, 2005 11:50 AM
Thanks for giving me nightmares!
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