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January 24, 2006
Digital Snowmen
Last week in Harrison's class I helped the kids create a snowman on the computer using KidPix. Harrison was delighted with his drawing, especially the ears.
After hearing Harrison describe the activity, Emma wanted to draw her own snowman. Instead of ears, she added earrings, pink earrings. And pink mittens and pink snow boots.
Posted by jennifer at January 24, 2006 08:51 PM
Those are both incredibly cool pictures. Definitely frame-worthy.
Posted by: Lisa at January 25, 2006 02:06 PM
Wow! Emma is such a girly girl! Hmm, that doesn't sound very technical and stuffy. Maybe I should say, "strongly gendered?"
The top hat reminds me of a mostly true story for Emma: While in office, Abe Lincoln received a letter from a little girl who suggested that he'd look good with a beard. He grew one out, and decided that the little girl was right, and he wrote back to thank her. A few months later the girl sent a letter back that said that she had decided he'd also look better if he'd wear earrings occasionally, and maybe a string of pearls.
Fortunately or unfortunately, the Civil War broke out at this point, and Abe never got a chance to try the little girl's suggestions.
Posted by: Joel at February 4, 2006 06:21 AM